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Don't Wait To Delegate

Learning to delegate is tricky business. For "Type A" control freaks like me it does not come easy. It took me many years to understand and appreciate the benefits of delegation, not just to me but to those I was delegating to.

Many up and comers will be told that they need to delegate to be able to move up the ladder. Of course this is logical. You need others to do the day-to-day tasks freeing time to focus on your specific areas for success. Simply stated we are taught that we need to delegate to make ourselves successful.

What seems to get lost in translation is how delegation is a critical step in the success of those you are delegating to. They gain knowledge, experience and the all-important exposure when taking on the new responsibilities. It can also provide a significant boost in motivation and confidence in them, knowing that you trust them to take on something that you have been responsible for. Delegating is part of the investment you must make for the long-term success of your team.

Delegating vs Dumping

“Delegating” is a skill and must be differentiated from the all too frequent “Dumping”. How do I define each?


Identifying an individual with the proper skill set and resources to take on a new task, responsibility or authority taking time to provide training and guidelines and then following up to ensure all is well. So the act of delegating should be positive for both individuals.


Telling an individual they are now in charge of XYZ with an insincere “please let me know if you have any questions” as a parting gift. The act of dumping is very negative as the receiver feels they have no say in the matter. I read somewhere that when dumping “any warm body will do” which I think says it all.

I had a hard time with delegation over the years. Sure I was doing it successfully and based on my definition but always held back on some critical items. I actually enjoyed doing the work (lucky me), liked to be 100% in control of the important stuff getting done and worried about my team burning out.

Ultimately I was promoted to a position that required full delegation of all day-to-day tasks. I had no choice so put my trust in the team and they in turn trusted in my delegation decisions which ultimately resulted in our combined success in a big way.

I regret that it took me so long to really appreciate how delegating, when done right, benefits everyone in such a big way.

Ironically, after years of learning the art of delegation I have come full circle. Now I am an entrepreneur I have no one to delegate to! Well, maybe someday ...

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